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One Breath Away by Heather Gudenkauf - Book Review

This year, I have read four books by Heather Gudenkauf. As you can tell by the title of this review, I just finished  One Breath Away . ---- Synopsis: In the midst of a sudden spring snowstorm, an unknown man armed with a gun walks into an elementary school classroom. Outside the school, the town of Broken Branch watches and waits. Officer Meg Barrett holds the responsibility for the town's children in her hands. Will Thwaite, reluctantly entrusted with the care of his two grandchildren by the daughter who left home years earlier, stands by helplessly and wonders if he has failed his child again. Trapped in her classroom, Evelyn Oliver watches for an opportunity to rescue the children in her care. And thirteen-year-old Augie Baker, already struggling with the aftermath of a terrible accident that has brought her to Broken Branch, will risk her own safety to protect her little brother. As tension mounts with each passing minute, the hidden fears and grudges of the small town are rev
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Not A Sound by Heather Gudenkauf - Book Review

Before I even finished  The Overnight Guest by Heather Gudenkauf, I knew I  wanted to read another one of her novels. I decided on  Not A Sound . ---- Synopsis: When a tragic accident leaves nurse Amelia Winn deaf, she loses everything that matters—her job, her husband, David, and her stepdaughter, Nora. Now, two years later and with the help of her hearing dog, Stitch, she is finally getting back on her feet. But when she discovers the body of a fellow nurse in the dense bush by the river, deep in the woods near her cabin, she is plunged into a disturbing mystery that could shatter the carefully reconstructed pieces of her life all over again. As clues begin to surface, Amelia finds herself swept into an investigation that hits all too close to home. But how much is she willing to risk in order to uncover the truth and bring a killer to justice?  ---- As with The Overnight Guest , this story mainly focuses on a murder and there is not a whole lot of character development. This book t

The Overnight Guest by Heather Gudenkauf - Book Review

I hit a major reading slump after reading The Violin Conspiracy . I tried to read at least five books. Then I started The Overnight Guest  by Heather Gudenkauf.  The day before picking up The Overnight Guest , I told my wife that I was in a major reading funk. She said, "I can tell. Every time I see you, you have a different book in your hands."  ---- Synopsis: True-crime writer Wylie Lark doesn’t mind being snowed in at the isolated farmhouse where she’s retreated to write her new book. A cozy fire, complete silence. It would be perfect, if not for the fact that decades earlier, at this very house, two people were murdered in cold blood and a girl disappeared without a trace. As the storm worsens, Wylie finds herself trapped inside the house, haunted by the secrets contained within its walls - haunted by secrets of her own. Then she discovers a small child in the snow just outside. After bringing the child inside for warmth and safety, she begins to search for answers. But s

The Violin Conspiracy Hardcover by Brendan Slocumb - Book Review

I always find it hard to write a review for a book that I truly loved reading. A lot of times, my emotions are caught up in the story and what happens, and it is a fine line when talking about a story and not spoiling it. Let's start the review like this: The Violin Conspiracy by Brendan Slocumb is my current book of the year. Yes, I know we are only in February, but this book has set the bar for the rest of the books that I read in 2022. The Violin Conspiracy is Brendan Slocumb's debut novel. I must admit, I actually didn't know this book came out until I received an email from Audible that talked about books their staff was enjoying. In the email, it mentioned The Violin Conspiracy . I saw the cover and knew I needed to see what this was about. ---- Synopsis  Growing up Black in rural North Carolina, Ray McMillian’s life is already mapped out. If he’s lucky, he’ll get a job at the hospital cafeteria. If he’s extra lucky, he’ll earn more than minimum wage. But Ray has a

Eight Perfect Murders - Book Review

I originally went to Barnes & Noble to pick up a book that I ordered online. As I always do, I decided to browse the store before picking up the book I ordered. I found myself at a table with books that were Buy 1 Get One 50% off. I saw a book and on the cover has a stack of books with a blue tint added to it, and one of the books had blood on the pages. I remember being interested in it before, but I couldn't remember why I didn't buy it when I first saw it months ago.  The book was  Eight Perfect Murders  by Peter Swanson.  __________ Years ago, bookseller and mystery aficionado Malcolm Kershaw compiled a list of the genre’s most unsolvable murders, those that are almost impossible to crack—which he titled “Eight Perfect Murders”—chosen from among the best of the best including Agatha Christie’s A. B. C. Murders , Patricia Highsmith’s Strangers on a Train , Ira Levin’s Death Trap , A. A. Milne's Red House Mystery , Anthony Berkeley Cox's Malice Aforethought , Jame

The Authenticity Project - Book Review

After I finished reading A Time To Kill by John Grisham, I ran into another reading funk. I found out during my reading funk that I needed to stop trying to read a particular genre. I needed to find a story that sounded interesting. By doing this, I bought some books in a genre that I have not read before, nonfiction. I tell you this because that is how I stumbled upon The Authenticity Project by Clare Pooley.  I had just finished Talking To Strangers: What We Should Know About The People We Don't Know by Malcolm Gladwell and moved on to what I thought would be my next read, Into The Wild by Jon Krakauer. I was almost halfway through the book, and I just had to stop. The author's writing style was not for me. I was forcing myself to read the book instead of enjoying it. I had bought Krakauer's other book, Into Thin Air, from Barnes & Noble and decided to take it back.  After returning the book, I decided to roam the store. On a table near the front of the store was Barn

A Time To Kill - Book Review

I have recently been going through a reading slump. I, along with many readers, hate going through a reading slump, especially when my TBR (to be read) pile is full of books that sound so good. I tried reading a few from my TBR, but they didn't grab me. I wanted to have an excuse to put down my XBOX remote and pick up a book instead. I wanted to read so bad. I didn't know what. I am a big fan of sci-fi and fantasy, but they weren't doing it for me.  One day while in Costco, I found myself in their book section. I always check out a store's book section, no matter how big or small it might be. While I was looking at the books that Costco had to offer, I saw a book whose cover kind of grabbed my attention: John Grisham. A Time For Mercy. The synopsis sounded interesting: ______ Clanton, Mississippi. 1990. Jake Brigance finds himself embroiled in a deeply divisive trial when the court appoints him attorney for Drew Gamble, a timid sixteen-year-old boy accused of murdering