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Showing posts from February, 2022

The Violin Conspiracy Hardcover by Brendan Slocumb - Book Review

I always find it hard to write a review for a book that I truly loved reading. A lot of times, my emotions are caught up in the story and what happens, and it is a fine line when talking about a story and not spoiling it. Let's start the review like this: The Violin Conspiracy by Brendan Slocumb is my current book of the year. Yes, I know we are only in February, but this book has set the bar for the rest of the books that I read in 2022. The Violin Conspiracy is Brendan Slocumb's debut novel. I must admit, I actually didn't know this book came out until I received an email from Audible that talked about books their staff was enjoying. In the email, it mentioned The Violin Conspiracy . I saw the cover and knew I needed to see what this was about. ---- Synopsis  Growing up Black in rural North Carolina, Ray McMillian’s life is already mapped out. If he’s lucky, he’ll get a job at the hospital cafeteria. If he’s extra lucky, he’ll earn more than minimum wage. But Ray has a